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Using thumb to move transformed control produces weird behavior





I've encountered a weird behavior when trying to use a thumb to move a control around on a canvas. When I add a control to a canvas and use Thumb DragDelta event to move it around everything looks good. But when I apply a rotate transform to the control dragging it around is bizarre. The control starts to circle around the cursor, and the bigger the angle the bigger the circle.

Does anyone know how to make thumb work with a transformed element? I've spent all day trying to figure it out and nothing smart is coming to my mind.

Thanks for your help!

like image 791
chiefanov Avatar asked Dec 12 '22 05:12


2 Answers

If you apply any rotating transform to FrameworkElement it means that the coordinates grid associated with it has rotated. Thus, any event handler of this FrameworkElement will be receive position values in own coordinates grid.

void DragThumb_DragDelta(object sender, DragDeltaEventArgs e)
    //You can use this values when RotateTransform is null
    double deltaHorizontal = e.HorizontalChange;
    double deltaVertical = e.VerticalChange;

    //Transform coordinates
    Vector v = Math2DHelper.RotateVector2d(e.HorizontalChange, e.VerticalChange, Math2DHelper.D2R(rotationInDegrees));

    //Right values
    deltaHorizontal = v.X;
    deltaVertical = v.Y;


Sample math2D helper

public static class Math2DHelper
    public static Vector RotateVector2d(double x0, double y0, double rad)
        Vector result = new Vector();
        result.X = x0 * Math.Cos(rad) - y0 * Math.Sin(rad);
        result.Y = x0 * Math.Sin(rad) + y0 * Math.Cos(rad);
        return result;

    public static double D2R(double degree)
        return (degree%360)*Math.PI/180;
like image 70
nvkokorin Avatar answered May 16 '23 08:05


I came across this problem and found the solution , maybe someone find it helpful ,you need to check for any transformation before drag thumb

private void Thumb_DragDelta(object sender, System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.DragDeltaEventArgs e)
        var thumb = dts as UIElement;
        var transform = thumb.RenderTransform as RotateTransform;
        Point dragDelta = new Point(e.HorizontalChange, e.VerticalChange);

            if (transform != null)
                dragDelta = transform.Transform(dragDelta);

            Canvas.SetLeft(thumb, Canvas.GetLeft(thumb) + dragDelta.X);
            Canvas.SetTop(thumb, Canvas.GetTop(thumb) + dragDelta.Y);

like image 27
Amir Avatar answered May 16 '23 08:05
