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New posts in static-libraries

Error installing flite on Mac OSX

GDB doesn't show object's members

c++ gcc gdb static-libraries

Forcing inclusion of static library object files that don't export any symbols (GCC/iPhone)

Deploying QT app on OS X and linux

Building OpenSSL on Xcode 4.3 for Simulator fails

Why doesn't exist a relink button in compilers?

Fortran 'parameter' type not included in compiled object

List functions in *.lib on Windows

Linking error with cmake

Xcode linking against static and dynamic library

How can I strip down the Qt libraries to remove stuff not used by my application?

Does gnu ld link in whole object files or only the needed functions?

static-libraries ld avr-gcc

How Dynamic-link library works

c++ dll static-libraries

Extracting gcc version information from static library

Linking with static library not equivalent to linking with its objects

Mixing stdc++ and libc++ in an iOS project

Referencing C functions in static library from C++

c++ c static-libraries

C++ - Base class and private header

iOS static library compiled with Xcode remembers its source files

ios xcode static-libraries

GCC -rdynamic not working with static libraries