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New posts in avr-gcc

Looking for source code of __builtin_avr_delay_cycles called by _delay_ms in avr-gcc

gcc delay avr-gcc

Is there a way to handle heap memory fragmentation in AVR/Arduino microcontrollers?

Can I do something like #define ARRAY(size) char[##size##] in C?

c gcc avr avr-gcc

Tasking with AVR-Ada

ada avr avr-gcc winavr

Does gnu ld link in whole object files or only the needed functions?

static-libraries ld avr-gcc

Why AVR-GCC compilers append a "clr r1" line after multiplication?

c embedded avr avr-gcc

Running an Arduino sketch with Fritzing

embedded arduino avr-gcc

avr-gcc destructive optimizations

Array not crossing 256 byte boundary

Arduino (Uno) Ethernet client connection fails after many client prints

c arduino avr avr-gcc

In an avr tiny, how is data meant to be stored in sram initialized when the microcontroler is powered up?

assembly avr avr-gcc

GCC inline assembly : let compiler decide what register to use for temp value

Avoiding accidental firmware overwrite

assembly embedded avr avr-gcc

cast unsigned char * (uint8_t *) to const char *

c casting constants avr-gcc

Arduino not compiling - bad CPU type in executable

AVR Analog Comparator + Internal Pullup?

gcc: division by zero

c gcc-warning avr-gcc

Macro defined in main.c not visible in another included file

c gcc macros avr-gcc

Passing an array of Child objects to a function that accepts Parent*

c++ c++11 embedded avr-gcc

How do I change the avr32-gcc C compiler for the C++ in Atmel Studio 6 without having to create a new project?

c++ c avr-gcc atmel avr32-gcc