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New posts in cpu-registers

What is the difference between "mov (%rax),%eax" and "mov %rax,%eax"?

Swap most significant byte and least significant byte in assembler

Do the x86 segment registers have special meaning/usage on modern CPUs and OSes?

What is this pattern where the EBX register is used for memory access?

push return values in stack frame

How do you add CH to EAX in x86 assembly?

assembly x86 cpu-registers

Why are the cpu-registers in OllyDbg not sorted alphabetically?

Are RAX, RBX, RCX, RDX, RSI, RDI, RBP, RSP, R8-R15 interchangable?

What's wrong with register keyword in C++? [duplicate]

What’s the difference between eax ebx ecx in assembly

assembly x86 cpu-registers

How to read 2’s complement value from two registers into an int

Counting registers/thread in Cuda kernel

cuda gpu cpu-registers hpc

is it possible to run 64 bit code in a machine with 32 bit processor?

Why are memory locations also called registers?

embedded cpu-registers

Why any modern x86 masks shift count to the 5 low bits in CL

Dealing with reserved register bits of an ARM chip

c arm cpu-registers

How each thread can have CPU registers

Are CPU general purpose registers usually memory mapped?

C: How do I simulate 8086 registers?

Fastest way to move higher or lower 64 bits in integer SSE register

sse simd cpu-registers