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New posts in 32-bit

Delphi XE 32-bit signed representation

Properly (independent of 32bit/64bit) saving a float to binary ofstream

Force a C# Application to run in 32bit mode on a 64bit server

c# .net 64-bit 32-bit

How can I access 64 bit registry hive information from a application running in 32 bit mode on a 64 bit machine(WOW) using WMI through C#

c# 64-bit registry wmi 32-bit

MySQL ODBC 32 vs 64 bit

mysql 64-bit odbc 32-bit win64

How do you read a 32-bit TIFF image in python?

'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' 64x Sql Server and 86x Office?

64-bit oledb 32-bit openrowset

Can we connect a 32 bit Oracle server from a 64 bit client and vice a versa?

database oracle 64-bit 32-bit

is it possible to run 64 bit code in a machine with 32 bit processor?

Canvas using Uint32Array: Wrong colors are being rendered

javascript html canvas 32-bit

What are the differences between .NET in 32 or 64 bit systems?

Handling large dense matrices in python

Linking an assembler program: error "undefined reference to `printf'"

How to force py2app to run app in 32-bit mode

python macos 32-bit py2app

Accessing target path from a shortcut file on a 64 bit system using 32 bit application

c# 64-bit 32-bit lnk

Issue running 32-bit executable on 64-bit Windows

fwrite() more than 2 GiB? [duplicate]

php file-io fopen 32-bit fwrite

Gigabyte v/s Gibibyte & Gigabit v/s Gibibit

How to detect the difference between a wrapping counter and large negative value in C language

c++ c x86 32-bit rtp

.NET 3.5SP1 64-bit memory model vs. 32-bit memory model

c# .net 64-bit 32-bit