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iPhone App Rejected By Apple saying analytics used

How to slow down CCMoveTo?

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How do you detect touches in a CCScene on Cocos2D V3?

ARC semantic issue "multiple methods named 'setRotation' " while archiving only

Coco2d - using CCBitmapFontAtlas

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Simple polygon in cocos3d

Cocos2d's CCSpriteBatchNode complaining about different texture ids


Making a Box2d object follow a predetermined path

Flip CCSprite Horizontally After Adding to Layer

Change png that is used by sprite

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How to get user input using cocos2d

disabling the cocos2d-x left down corner texts

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Cocos2D Infinite Background Picture

Sprite Frame Animation Cocos2d 3.0

How can I test sprite collision in cocos2d?

ccp & cpv - function difference & full form of cocoa

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How to change scenes in cocos2d while retaining state of the original scene

What's the difference between ccTouchesCancelled and ccTouchesEnded event in Cocos2d?

iphone cocos2d-iphone