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New posts in cocos2d-x

Cocos2D-JS -- Compile and Run a 'Clean' build?

Cocos2d-x v3: ClippingNode not working on RenderTexture

c++ cocos2d-x cocos2d-x-3.0

Convert Platform::String to std::string

Change png that is used by sprite

cocos2d-iphone cocos2d-x

disabling the cocos2d-x left down corner texts

cocos2d-iphone cocos2d-x

Set the background images fit to any screen


How can I detect if the notification center was opened

auto resizing in cocos2dx

Setup cocos2d-x application through visual studio 2010 project template

box2d CreateFixture with b2FixtureDef gives pure virtual function call

LibGDX vs Cocos2dx For Developing Android Games

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Android OBB/ZIP loading (cocos2dx)

Cocos2D-x HelloCpp for Android unable to build apk from Windows due to permission denied on asset file

android cocos2d-x

Cocos2d-x CCScrollview is scrolling upside down

cocos2d-x undefined reference

How to save a variable to Android using Cocos2D-JS?

Cocos2d-x with Visual Studio 2015 cross platform tools