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New posts in sprite-kit

How to animate different size of images in iOS7 SpriteKit?

How to load a scene async so you can have a loading screen?


SKSpriteNode stretching when manually animating textures

SKAction playSoundFileNamed stops background music

ios sprite-kit skaction

Does removeFromParent on SKNode destroy the instance?

ios ios7 sprite-kit

Pre loading assets with Sprite Kit

ios7 sprite-kit

SKLabelNode positioning not working as expected

Touch through a node in SpriteKit

Subclassing SKSpriteNode

swift sprite-kit

SKSpriteNode zrotation M_PI is infuriating

How to simulate a world larger than the screen in SpriteKit?

ios swift sprite-kit

Moving a SKSpriteNode in a downward loop, using Swift

remove SKSpriteNode after 5 seconds

swift sprite-kit swift2

Splitting texture atlas into multiple texture atlases warning

ios iphone swift sprite-kit

SpriteKit issue with zPosition

swift sprite-kit

How can you connect a swift file with an SKscene?

ios swift sprite-kit

Swift, SpriteKit - Pause whole script

ios swift sprite-kit pause

iOS SpriteKit - collisions and contacts not working as expected [closed]

How do i get the real center of a SKSpriteNode in Swift 2?

ios swift sprite-kit

linking GameViewController.swift to GameScene.swift

ios swift sprite-kit