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New posts in html5-video

P2P Video Confrencing using HTML5 or Javascript

HTML5 Video loadeddata event does not work in IOS Safari

Getting buffering progress value in HTML5 video player

html html5-video buffering

WebM Video won't play in Firefox 4

html5-video firefox4 webm

currentSrc not working inside jquery plugin

Detect current bitrate of HTTP Live Streaming in Safari

Mapping areas on an HTML5 Video

html video html5-video

HTML5 video: ffmpeg-encoded MP4 not playing in any browser (plays in VLC though)

How should (Android) / Chrome getUserMedia() constraints be formatted?

Video autoplay on Safari 11

video safari html5-video

When should HTML5 video fall back to Flash player?

flash html html5-video

Which formats should a video be encoded to

video.js display poster image at end of video

html5-video video.js

Can HTML5 MediaSource be used to dynamically generate a single-color video of arbitrary dimensions and length?

Html5 video on webview missing fullscreen button on lollipop

How to add download button in video player with Plyr JS?

play video in loop using setTimeout

HTML 5 Video not working on IE9

how to stop a black line appearing beneath my html5 video in safari and google chrome

HTML 5 Autoplay Google Chrome Android Not Playing