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New posts in internet-explorer-11

JavaScript critical error at line 5, column 9 in (unknown source location)

Cursor in wrong position in IE11 after CSS transform w/ transition

Issues with Developer Tools (IE 11) - "Error: Object doesn't support property or method 'addEventListener'"

CSS3 Ken Burns effects is not smooth in ie 11

ES6 spread syntax IE not supported

IE11 CSS display inline-block overflowing inside flexbox

IndexSizeError on drawImage on IE and Edge

Javascript Excel OpenFile

Detect if touch device with ie11 using javascript

HTML5 video: ffmpeg-encoded MP4 not playing in any browser (plays in VLC though)

Why does Chrome read the svg circle radius from the style attribute?

input range not working in ie or edge

html2canvas code not working IE 11

IE tabs are not running in 64 bit mode even after enabling Enhanced protected mode

:active selector in IE11 doesn't work if there are nested elements? How do I make clicks ignore nested elements?

css internet-explorer-11

Rows overlapping in IE11 with display: flex

Open Developer Tools console by default in IE11 (without pressing F12 explicitly)

Site Doesn't Display Correctly in IE11

IE 11 displays CSS differently from other browsers

IE 10, 11. How to prevent the triggering of input events on focus from text input with placeholder?