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New posts in xcodebuild

How to specify app id when upload to iTunesConnect using command line

Where does Xcode store ${PRODUCT_NAME} on the file system?

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xcodebuild doesn't show all compile errors?

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Converting a xcodeproj in-app purchase to a pkg file from terminal (Bash) or how to convert a xcarchive file to a pkg file?

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Build an Xcode project on a Linux machine

Command line created and installed iOS .app crashes when booting inside the simulator

CLIENT_ERROR: invalid S3 ARN for primary source

Launching RETINA simulator from Xcodebuild for continuous integration

Is there a way of automatically writing custom values to the bundle's .plist during a build phase?

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xcodebuild - build all targets using command line

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How to get name of distribution identity from .p12 file

xcconfig option in xcodebuild command

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Xcode 10 beta error while building my project?

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How do you access Xcode environment (and build) variables from an external script?