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New posts in app-store-connect

How to specify app id when upload to iTunesConnect using command line

Apple Account Not have any Development Teams

If I submit a new build while "waiting for review", do I go to the back of the line?


Apple Testfiight App Submission Can't Click Next

iTunes revert back to older version [closed]

ios app-store-connect

Itunes Connect: Can't See Build after processing

How to use AppStore connect API with my mac, announced in WWDC18?

Permitted background task scheduler identifiers missing Mapbox

Entitlements in your app bundle signature do not match the ones that are contained in your provisioning profile

How do I turn off Apple's iAds network?

itunesConnect (user control over 1 app only)


iTunes Connect: "Too few reports have been submitted for a report to be shown"

iOS App Store updates - Patching?

How to install app from TestFlight via itunesconnect as an internal tester in ios?

Can I submit iOS 9 beta build to iTunes Connect?

App review - point to dev api instead of prod

ERROR ITMS-90205: "Invalid Bundle. The bundle at 'NotificationServiceExtension.appex' contains disallowed nested bundles."

Is it possible to change the universal app to iphone only once it is uploaded to app store?

itunes connect in-app purchase test user account is temporarily unavailable

iphone app-store-connect

My iOS app has a + in its name. Bundle is invalid due to this. Need help resolving