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Can I submit iOS 9 beta build to iTunes Connect?

I am new to Xcode and iOS coding. I updated my app to iOS 9, and I would like to submit it to the app store. Is this possible? Or will they not accept an iOS 9 build?

It works fine on both iOS 9 and iOS 8 devices.

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Anthony Saltarelli Avatar asked Feb 09 '23 05:02

Anthony Saltarelli

1 Answers

PetahChristian is right. Apple does not allow you to submit beta build with beta version of Xcode, which is indeed suboptimal thing, as you won't be able to test your app until final version of Xcode comes out (this is all just in case you switched to Swift 2.0, otherwise just use Xcode 6.4 to submit the build).

Let's just hope that our users will be willing to accept possibly buggy apps when iOS 9 kicks in, as developers simply can't test them properly :).

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Bojan Kopanja Avatar answered Feb 23 '23 17:02

Bojan Kopanja