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Why doesn't source control check in my CocoaPods?

I have a few Cocoapods installed for my project. For one particular pod, KVNProgress, Xcode doesn't commit it to GitHub. Each time I check my project out I get 'can't find KVNProgress.h' blah blah...

So I run 'pod update' from terminal and immediately all is fixed. After running 'pod update', I check my project navigator and there are no 'A' or 'M' or anything else for that matter indicated a new or modified file. Therefor nothing to commit.

Any ideas how to fix this so I don't have to update the pods each time I check out the project?

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Justin Moore Avatar asked Feb 12 '23 09:02

Justin Moore

1 Answers

You should use the Terminal to figure out if it's an Xcode problem or a git problem.

Run git status --ignored in the project directory. If the Pods directory is shown in the Ignored files section you have to remove Pods from your .gitignore file.

If the files appear in the untracked files section Xcode messed up the git status.
You can use git add . to add all untracked files.

As a side note, I would recommend to use a dedicated git client like SourceTree, GitHub Mac, or Tower instead of Xcode. Xcodes git implementation is not the best (feature wise) and it's a bit buggy.

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Matthias Bauch Avatar answered Feb 14 '23 08:02

Matthias Bauch