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.enumerateGroupsWithTypes block stop parameter Swift (Xcode 6 beta 5)





Today I upgraded Xcode 6 to beta 5 (from beta 1) and as you can imagine I found my previously perfectly working Swift app full of errors of all kind (well, a lot changed from beta 1). Of all errors, there is one I just can't figure out how to fix. It's related to swift closures, in particular the enumerationBlock argument of the .enumerateGroupsWithTypes method. Here is the code:

assetLib.enumerateGroupsWithTypes(ALAssetsGroupType(ALAssetsGroupSavedPhotos), usingBlock: {
(group: ALAssetsGroup?, stop: CMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) in


}, failureBlock: {
  (error: NSError!) in



This did work perfectly in Swift (Xcode 6 beta 1). But now, I get 2 errors:

  1. " 'UnsafeMutablePointer' is not a subtype of 'error type' "

  2. " Use of undeclared type 'CMutablePointer' "

It was clear that CMutablePointer did not exist anymore, so I tried to modify the stop argument like:

..., stop: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool> ...

After this change, the second error obviously disappeared, but the first transformed in:

" Could not find an overload for 'init' that accepts the supplied arguments "

I even tried to change the UnsafeMutablePointer to a UnsafePointer, as suggested from this post.


Here is the full code of the enumerateGroupsWithTypes method:

assetLib.enumerateGroupsWithTypes(ALAssetsGroupType(ALAssetsGroupSavedPhotos), usingBlock: {
    (group: ALAssetsGroup?, stop: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) in
    if group != nil {
    group!.enumerateAssetsAtIndexes(NSIndexSet(index: group!.numberOfAssets()-1), options: nil, usingBlock: {
      (result: ALAsset!, index: Int, stop: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) in
      if result {
        var alAssetRapresentation: ALAssetRepresentation = result.defaultRepresentation()
        url = alAssetRapresentation.url()
    else if group == nil {

      assetLib.assetForURL(url, resultBlock: {
        (asset: ALAsset!) in
        if asset != nil {
        var assetRep: ALAssetRepresentation = asset.defaultRepresentation()
        var iref = assetRep.fullResolutionImage().takeUnretainedValue()
        var image = UIImage(CGImage: iref)

        imageView.image = image


          let mask = CAShapeLayer()
          mask.path = UIBezierPath(ovalInRect: CGRectMake(0, 0, 200, 200)).CGPath
          mask.frame = CGPathGetPathBoundingBox(mask.path)

          mapView.layer.mask = mask


        }, failureBlock: {
          (error: NSError!) in

          NSLog("Error!", nil)

    }, failureBlock: {
      (error: NSError!) in

      NSLog("Error!", nil)

like image 729
Philip Müller Avatar asked Feb 13 '23 08:02

Philip Müller

2 Answers

Here is a for me working example: This code looks for the album „projectname“ and safe the image „in“ this album. If the album do not exists, the album will be created.

Attention: If there WAS an album with the SAME name. You can NOT create a album with this name once again. You must use a new name. In this example the projectname will extent with date and time.

By the way, Apples apps could create a album with the same name.

    func saveImage(projectName : String) { // Return a new projectname  
                                      //  in the var self.newProjectName if the old one could not created
    if self.isSaved {  // was here bevor

    let library = ALAssetsLibrary()                 // This object will provide the access to to the library

    // List over all groups in the PhotoDirectory
    // ALAssetsGroupAll is the key to select the listed groups
    // possible change to type:Album
        usingBlock: {(group : ALAssetsGroup!, stop : UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) in
            if group != nil {                                   // The listing of the directory content has found an object
                // Did we search for this album?
                if group.valueForProperty(ALAssetsGroupPropertyName).isEqualToString(projectName) {
                    stop.initialize(true)                       // Stop the enumeration thread
                    library.writeImageToSavedPhotosAlbum(self.cgImage, metadata: self.ciImage?.properties(),
                        completionBlock: {(assetUrl, error: NSError?) -> Void in
                        if let theError = error?.code {
                            lapApp.logger.addLog("saved image failed, first try \(error?.localizedDescription) code \(theError)")
                        } else {
                                resultBlock: { (asset: ALAsset!) -> Void in
                                self.isSaved = true
                                return // Stop this process and leave
                                }, failureBlock: {
                                    (theError: NSError!) -> Void in
                                    lapApp.logger.addLog("error occurred, image to album at the first try: \(theError.localizedDescription) ")
                    return // write image to the found album
                } else {
                 // Album not found, enumeration will continue
            else { // The album was not found, so we will create an album
                if stop.memory.boolValue {  // The enumeration will go over the end of the list. The stop-signal comes some time to late?
                    resultBlock: {(group: ALAssetsGroup?) -> Void in
                    if let thegroup = group {         // Check for a name conflict, possible was a album with the same name deleted. IOS8 will not create this album!
                        // The album was correct created, now we will add the picture to the album
                        library.writeImageToSavedPhotosAlbum(self.cgImage, metadata: self.ciImage?.properties(), completionBlock: {
                            (assetUrl, error: NSError?) -> Void in
                            if let theError = error?.code {
                                lapApp.logger.addLog("save image in new album failed. \(error?.localizedDescription) code \(theError)")
                            } else {
                                    resultBlock: { (asset: ALAsset!) -> Void in
                                    self.isSaved = true
                                    stop.initialize(true)                       // Stop the enumeration thread
                                    }, failureBlock: {
                                        (theError: NSError?) -> Void in
                                        lapApp.logger.addLog("error occurred: \(theError?.localizedDescription)")

                    } else {                       // Name conflic with a deleted album.
                                                   // Work around: Create the Album with the Projectname an extend the name with Date and time
                        let formatter : NSDateFormatter = NSDateFormatter()
                        formatter.dateFormat = "yy.MM.dd hh:mm:ss"
                        let extensionDate = formatter.stringFromDate(NSDate())
                        self.newProjectName = projectName + " " + extensionDate // This is the new projectname
                            resultBlock: {(group: ALAssetsGroup?) -> Void in
                            if let theGroup = group {
                                library.writeImageToSavedPhotosAlbum(self.cgImage, metadata: self.ciImage?.properties(), completionBlock: {
                                    (assetUrl, error: NSError?) -> Void in
                                    if let theError = error {
                                       lapApp.logger.addLog("save image with new album name failed. \(error?.localizedDescription) code \(theError) \(self.newProjectName)")
                                    } else {
                                       library.assetForURL(assetUrl, resultBlock: { (asset: ALAsset!) -> Void in
                                        self.isSaved = true
                                        stop.initialize(true)                       // Stop the enumeration thread
                                        }, failureBlock: {
                                            (theError: NSError?) -> Void in
                                            lapApp.logger.addLog("error at write image in new album occurred: \(theError?.localizedDescription)")
                            } else {
                                lapApp.logger.addLog("Problem adding albums with the name \(self.newProjectName)")
                        failureBlock: {
                                (error:NSError?) -> Void in
                                lapApp.logger.addLog("Problem adding albums: \(error)")
                    failureBlock: {
                        (error:NSError?) -> Void in
                        lapApp.logger.addLog("Problem loading albums: \(error)")
        }, failureBlock: { (error:NSError?) in lapApp.logger.addLog("Problem loading albums: \(error)") })
} // End SaveImage
like image 190
Frank Schaefer Avatar answered Feb 16 '23 04:02

Frank Schaefer

NSLog("Error!", nil) is wrong and should be NSLog("Error!"). (This seems to confuse the Swift compiler and causes unrelated error messages.)

like image 43
Martin R Avatar answered Feb 16 '23 04:02

Martin R