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Cordova alarm clock

I have built a Cordova alarm clock app that has a timer. Everything works good except that I now want to inform the user when the clock is up with a visual and audio alarm.

I have used the following plugin for local notifications: https://github.com/katzer/cordova-plugin-local-notifications

This seems to work good except that it doesn't seem to work when the phone screen is off.

Any ideas of a better way of doing this. I probably want something like AlarmManager in Android but so far I haven't found a Cordova plugin for it.

like image 603
kyle Avatar asked Feb 13 '23 09:02


2 Answers

Have you checked this plugin?


To invoke the plugin:

       // SUCCESS
       // ERROR

alarmDate is the date that the application will wake up. This will happen even if the device has been rebooted.

like image 141
AAhad Avatar answered Feb 15 '23 11:02


@AAhad your answer inspired mine. https://github.com/wnyc/cordova-plugin-wakeuptimer is a plugin that works for both iOS and Android devices.

like image 22
Harry Moreno Avatar answered Feb 15 '23 10:02

Harry Moreno