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JSPlumb show connection label on hover

I'm using JSPlumb to connect a bunch of blocks and I am able to set a label for a connection using:

JSPLUMB_INSTANCE.bind("connection", function (info) {

This way the label is always visible on the connection. Is there a way to make the label only appear on mouse hover?

like image 953
mohsaied Avatar asked Feb 12 '23 14:02


1 Answers

I've had the same challenge as you are describing, my solution looks like this:

function setConnectionLabel(connection, label) {
    connection.bind("mouseenter", function(conn) {
        conn.addOverlay(["Label", { label: label, location:0.5, id: "connLabel"} ]);

    connection.bind("mouseout", function(conn) {

So in your case this should do the trick:

JSPLUMB_INSTANCE.bind("connection", function (info) {
    setConnectionLabel(info.connection, "Labeltext");

let me know if it works out for you, cheers!

Update: Use "mouseover" instead of "mouseenter"
New Documentation

like image 178
Remco Avatar answered Feb 15 '23 04:02
