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New posts in core-location

My CoreLocation based Swift app is not asking user's permission to access location

Use significant location change without users think their battery will drain

Invalid location coordinate

Why doesn't forward geocoding with CLGeocoder.geocodeAddressString work in the playground?

How is Apple able to provide indoor location using CoreLocation?

iOS Location Manager - isAuthorizedForPreciseLocation doesn't seem to exist

iphone core location: distance filter how does it work?

How to ask permission from user for second time to allow to access the current location?

Can I send user's current location to server, when app is in background?

ios iphone ios7 core-location

iBeacon monitoring and ranging in background

ios core-location ibeacon

Codable extension to CoreLocation classes

Swift Combine - Create publisher for CoreLocation

Corelocation incorrect distances

CLLocation distanceFromLocation

How to get user's current location without asking for permission?

how to calculate speed in ios 7 using coreLocation framework

Error: 'Delegate must respond to locationManager:didUpdateLocations:' when collecting user location

swift mapkit core-location

locationManager(_:​did​Change​Authorization:​) executes when app first runs?

What differences are there between Core Location on the iPod Touch and iPhone?

iphone core-location

iOS : Region monitoring and battery usage