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New posts in locationmanager

Android GPS takes a while to be accurate

iphone core location: distance filter how does it work?

Minimum radius for iOS CLRegion feature of LocatinManager

Android LocationManager network provider returns null

android gps locationmanager

How do I get the HDOP or VDOP values from the GPS LocationManager?

android: how to fix gps with mock(fake) coordinates?

Getting the current GPS location on Android

requestLocationUpdates does not update on interval in Android

Do network location provider need internet to determine location?

Android Location LocationListener always call onProviderDisabled

android GPS calibration

android didUpdateHeading (loacation manager)?

android locationmanager

Location Manager ProxmityAlert always says entering

getting geolocation after 20 seconds

android locationmanager

setTestProviderLocation() does not trigger calling of onLocationChanged()

Pass Coordinates from locationManager in appDelegate to viewController

Get Latitude and Longitude without inserting Sim Card and Start/Stop Gps from Application

android gps locationmanager

LocationManager: java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't create handler inside thread that has not called Looper.prepare()

LocationManager.requestLocationUpdates add or update?

android locationmanager