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New posts in locationlistener

LocationClient - Mock Locations

Notification if user close to location

android locationlistener

How to draw the marker on the center of the polyline

Android Location Listener call very often

android locationlistener

LocationListener and memory leaks

Getting the current GPS location on Android

LocationManager.removeUpdates(listener) not removing location listener

android locationlistener

Android Location LocationListener always call onProviderDisabled

requestLocationUpdate takes too long

Android Location Update After Every 5min If Vehicle Not Moving

Location Listener in Background Service Android

LocationClient doesn't give callback when screen light goes off but my WakefulThread is running flawlessly as expected

Unsubscribing a LocationListener from the LocationManager

onLocationChanged callback is made on what thread? The main UI thread?

android locationlistener

Android not receiving location updates when screen is locked

Switching between network and GPS provider

java io ioexception unable to parse response from server geocoder

onLocationChanged is not called automatically

How to draw path as I move starting from my current location using Google Maps

BroadcastReceiver for location