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New posts in wakelock

Android Programming: GCMIntentService Stuck at WakeLock

Recognize volume button presses when screen is off Android

Android: wake up device using Alarm

AlarmManager and WakeLock

Internet connection paused after Android phone lock

Does service.startForeground imply wakelock?

How to keep android device from sleeping while plugged in

Should I use WakeLock in IntentService?

android wakelock

Unity3D Android Lockscreen not shown when screen times out. (Wakelock?)

android background location updates and wakelock

android gps wakelock

Android isScreenOn Nullpointerexception

Android VoIP application: PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK vs ignoring Battery Optimizations (doze whitelisting)

How to release a wake lock?

android wakelock

Android GPS tracking and WakeLock

android gps wakelock

PowerManager.WakeLock on Android Devices

Wake up Android Phone/tablet?

Turn off screen on Android