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New posts in clregion

Minimum radius for iOS CLRegion feature of LocatinManager

Monitoring multiple beacon regions is not working yet developers have said it's possible? Thoughts? (See my code)

Convert GMSVisibleRegion to CLRegion or MKCoordinateRegion

How does geofences behave when there are overlapping CLRegions

Geofencing iOS 6

Can you stop regions from persisting between launches with CLLocationManager?

why the didEnterRegion called twice?

Location Manager stopMonitoringForRegion Not Working

didEnterRegion works in foreground but not background or other VCs

iOS Geofence, how to handle when inside region when monitoring starts?

CoreLocation kCLErrorDomain error 5

What to use instead of regionMonitoringAvailable which is deprecated in iOS 7?

ios ios7 deprecated clregion

On which iOS devices exactly is region monitoring supported?

Region monitoring current location doesn't notify on exit