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New posts in core-location

iOS 5.1 CoreLocation, location service icon not disappearing

NSSortDescriptor - sort by location

Detect when optimal location accuracy is reached with CLLocationManager

Displaying the speed the device is travelling at using CLLocationSpeed [closed]

How to show location on map view on swift? I believe my code is current but simulator doesn't show location or the blue dot?

ios swift mapkit core-location

Re-enable iPhone Simulator location services

Using the new CLVisit in CoreLocation

swift core-location ios8

CLLocationManager requestWhenInUseAuthorization() not working

How can I calculate the heading (N/W/S/E) given (x,y,z) magnetometer and accelerometer data?

iOS re-check location on load from background

Why am I getting this linker error in iOS when I create location strings from longitude and latitude?

Swift - Core location request permission if not granted

Core Location not updating after accept prompt

ios core-location

Simulate Location including movement in Xcode 4.2 / iOS5

Distance between 2 points with CLLocationCoordinate2D

requestWhenInUseAuthorization() not Work in iOS 8 With NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription Key in Info.plist

swift ios8 core-location

Asking user permission for accessing their location with iOS when mapView does