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New posts in core-location

Location services are not functional in iOS 4.3 simulator running on Mac OS 10.7 with Xcode 4.2

Is it possible to use only region monitoring + GSM and to get not more than 5 km horizontalAccuracy?

Removed Core Location from application but still being asked for users location

ios core-location

Why isn't the [CLLocationManager location] updated when the CLLocationManagerDelegate message is sent?

Facing new iOS indoor positioning capability

CLLocationManager Simulator to simulate car moves?

Re-enabling location services for iPhone app

updating location in background on a timer/periodically in iOS 8

ios core-location

iOS 8 custom alarm using uilocalnotification and playing sound in background when phone is on silent

Supporting iOS 11 location permissions while disallowing "when in use" on iOS 10

what is the difference between distanceFilter and desiredAccuracy of CoreLocationManager?

Disable "Location Accuracy" message when using iBeacon

Determining Midpoint Between 2 Coordinates