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New posts in owin-middleware

OwinMiddleware doesn't preserve culture change in .net 4.6.*

Prevent Google Chrome from sending Sec-Fetch headers

No conversion available between HelloWorldComponent and System.Func`2[System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2 // Parameter name: signature

owin katana owin-middleware

How do I integration test a ASP 5/Core Web API with [Authorize] Attributes

ASP.NET with OpenIdAuthentication: redirect to url if not authorized

Owin only serve files in certain folder

Area based authentication using OWIN

ASP.NET OWIN OpenID Connect not creating user authentication

How to use OWIN middleware to rewrite versioned url for request to static file?

c# owin owin-middleware

Can I add a new scoped service within a custom middleware?

Why use OWIN TestServer?

Why does the order of auth middleware declaration matter in Owin Startup class?

Bad Request (400) when using Web API Token Authentication from Angular JS

SSO with Azure ADFS and OWIN

Get the Route Template from IOwinContext

Add claims with Owin Middleware

Change OWIN Auth Middleware Per Request (Multi-tenant, oauth API keys per tenant)

Should I use OwinContext's Environment to hold application specific data per request