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Why do we need dnx or cross platform for web [closed]

c# asp.net dnx c#-6.0 coreclr

Elvis operator in a casting invocation chain

How do I use a Local IIS with .NET Core, C# 6 and Visual studio 2015?

Bug in compiler or misunderstanding? Or operator on shorts [duplicate]

C# 6 syntax in Razor View

razor c#-6.0

Using "nameof" keyword with set-only property

How can an object be null and not null at the same time?

Difference Between Collection Initializer Syntaxes

c# c#-6.0

Readonly getters VS property-like functions

c# c#-6.0

How to make csc.exe C# 6 aware

c# roslyn c#-6.0 csc

Is there a way to Imitate C# 6 Null-Conditional operator in C# 5

c# .net c#-5.0 c#-6.0

How does C# string interpolation without an expression compile?

Create Lambda Expression Selector For New Class Using Expression Tree

What is a (proposed) “Record” class in C# 6?

c# c#-6.0

await in try-finally block

Using the Null Conditional Operator to check values on objects which might be null

How to handle nameof(this) to report class name

c# c#-6.0 nameof

Is there any benefit of using the nameof operator instead of the CallerMemberNameAttribute to notify property changes in .NET 4.5.3?

What happens if the filter of an Exception filter throws an exception

c# c#-6.0

Formatting dashes in string interpolation