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How to Make ASP.Net 5 Reference Normal .Net Class Library that is not in your solution

How can I determine whether a property is a Generic Type in DNX Core 5.0?

c# .net asp.net-core dnx

'ClaimsPrincipal' does not contain a definition for 'GetUserId'

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Working with multiple environments during integration testing with ASP.NET Core

Unable to run dnx console App

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EF7 generates wrong migrations with SQLite

Porting existing ASP.NET MVC web sites to DNX

In a DNX project, how can I target for Xamarin Android?

Testing ASP.Net 5 UI with a Headless Browser (that works on Windows, Mac, and Linux)

Why do we need dnx or cross platform for web [closed]

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Unable to load application or execute command 'Microsoft.Dnx.TestHost'. Available commands: test

Kestrel Running which framework?

Class Library Package : sl5 target issue

How to force Visual Studio to use x64 DNX SDK architecture

c# asp.net asp.net-core dnx

What is dnu wrap for?

Remote debugging an ASP.NET Core 1.0 Application on Azure App Service

DNU publish --no-source from MSBuild

HttpClient in ASP.NET 5.0 not found?

c# asp.net .net asp.net-core dnx