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How to reference an ASP.NET 5 project from another project?

How do I mock objects in the new coreclr world? [duplicate]

Can you use Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Client with .NET Core (dnxcore)

A ton of conflicts on simple UWP project

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Unable to load application or execute command 'Microsoft.AspNet.Server.Kestrel' with 1.0.0-rc1-update1

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View code changes without restarting the server

how do i uninstall old versions of dnx?

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Updating to ASP NET 5 beta5 breaks everything

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How do I install .netcore on CentOs machine?

No parallel tests with xUnit DNX

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.NET Framework, .NET Core, .NET Native, DNX, Core CLR, CIL, PCL - simple explain?

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Rijndael in class library (package) not available for .NET Core

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What is dotnet5.4 and net451 in class library?

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How to determine output folder of dnu/dotnet publish

dnx coreclr dotnet-cli

VS 2015 "Dependency could not be resolved" error on vNext project compilation

How do I debug unit tests in Visual Studio Code

Where to fetch DNX_APPBASE after the RC1 update?

Why is ASP.NET vNext 'dnu build' not working on OSX

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"The expected lock file doesn't exist. Please run "dnu restore"" right after I have done so