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MSTest no xml output on .NET Core RC2

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Nancy 500 server error with dotnetcore and kestrel

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NuGet pack "The DateTimeOffset specified cannot be converted into a Zip file timestamp"

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Build Error with pre-compiled Azure Function Library

How do I publish NuGet packages to GitHub Package Registry using dotnet on Mac?

How to get .NET Core 2.0 xUnit test reports into VSTS

How to use `dotnet new` template in visual studio 2019?

Visual Studio 2017 (ASP.NET Core) and Aurelia (ES6) from scratch manually?

Dotnet test on .NET Core 1.1 in VSTS: No Test Discoverer is Registered

.NET Core - MSB3277: Found conflicts between different versions

Why does "dotnet ef migrations add" throw a Win32Exception?

c# dotnet CLI "error: There are no versions available for the package 'Newtonsoft.Json'."

How to ignore MSB4011 when running dotnet build

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Unable to locate repository containing directory during dotnet build or publish

How to determine output folder of dnu/dotnet publish

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What are the differences between a dotnet cli and a angular cli basic project template?

Pass msbuild parameters to dotnet run command