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New posts in string-interpolation

bash variable interpolation separate variables by a hyphen or underscore

Scala string interpolation empty string compile error

How do you enter quote characters in C# 6.0 string interpolations

Is #{} always equivalent to to_s?

ruby string-interpolation

How to disable string interpolation in Kotlin?

Using expanding strings as Powershell function parameters

PHP deferred string interpolation

R String Interpretation: why does "\040" get interpreted as " " and what other potential pitfalls could I come across in string interpretation?

String interpolation in handlebars template of emberjs

How do I evaluate or execute string interpolation in Elixir?

String interpolation - repeat [duplicate]

Is there any reason for not using string interpolation in PHP? [closed]

Ignore str.format(**foo) if key doesn't exist in foo

Don't understand this ConfigParser.InterpolationSyntaxError

Escape String interpolation in a string literal

Python string interpolation with tuple slices?

Can sigil-less variables or constants be interpolated?

raku string-interpolation

Ruby string interpolation equivalent to python's .format()

What is the Python equivalent of embedding an expression in a string? (ie. "#{expr}" in Ruby)

concatenation of triple quoted strings