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New posts in string-literals

NSString: Why use static over literal?

What is the purpose of the single quotes in this regex expression?

c# .net regex string-literals

How to use Golang custom scanner string literals and expand memory to load entire file into memory?

go string-literals

Change value of character pointer

Modifying string literal passed in as a function

String comparision without strcmp()

c string string-literals

Python user input as regular expression, how to do it correctly?

Does a final String inside a private static method instantiate a new object when invoked?

java final string-literals

Escape String interpolation in a string literal

Java- when a user inputs a string, is it a string literal?

java string-literals

sizeof() behaviour in C programming

Work around typedef u8 to use C++11 u8 string literal

Perl q function or single quote doesn't return the string literal of UNC path correctly

perl string-literals

Can std::string::c_str() be used whenever a string literal is expected?

C++ string literal equality check?

Unrecognized escape sequence

c# escaping string-literals

Compilation of string literals

Is it possible in C++ to enforce a string-literal function argument?

StringFormat is ignored