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New posts in c-strings

Dynamically prompt for string without knowing string size

c dynamic prompt c-strings

Unable to get rid of errors even after using the right headers

c c-strings

Constant character pointer using unique_ptr

using binary search to find the first capital letter in a sorted string [closed]

Understanding of strlen function - Assignment of const char *s to const char *sc

c pointers memory c-strings

Can a string pointer in C be directly assigned a string literal?

c string c-strings

A null character '\0' at the end of a string

Is nullptr used to terminate C-style strings?

c++ c pointers c++11 c-strings

Why does `(void *)&` get the address of the variable?

What is the exact type of "" when deduced by `auto`?

c++ c++11 auto c-strings

Why doesn't a pointer to an element in a c-string return just the element?

c++ string pointers c-strings

Can std::string::c_str() be used whenever a string literal is expected?

Correctly pass a char array and char pointer to function by reference in C

c arrays pointers c-strings

How to add two strings?

Post increment with pointers in while loop in C

c c-strings

Is it mandatory to give '\0' for initialization of character arrays?

arrays c c-strings

Use of pointers on strings

c c-strings char-pointer

Strange std::cout behaviour with const char*

Allocate room for null terminating character when copying strings in C?

c++ c-strings

strncpy or strlcpy in my case

c copy c-strings strncpy