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New posts in tuples

Function returns tuple instead of string

Why do tuples in Python work with reversed but do not have __reversed__?

Single-element parethesized expressions/tuples vs common use of parentheses

swift tuples parentheses

Python: transform a list of lists of tuples

python list tuples

Spark Scala 2.10 tuple limit

Convert df column to a tuple

dataframe zip tuples tolist

Swift Tuple index using a variable as the index?

make_tuple with template parameters does not compile

F# take a list, return list of tuples

list f# tuples

Pandas: Create a tuple column from multiple columns

python-3.x pandas tuples apply

Python: if first element is equal tuple together other elements

python tuples

Python TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "tuple") to str

How to deconstruction Nullable Tuple?

c# tuples nullable valuetuple

Using an array as the 'value' part of a Map

arrays scala tuples

Make a tuple of arbitrary size functionally in Julia

function tuples julia

How does indexing a list with a tuple work?

python list indexing tuples

java: how do I create an array of tuples

In SQL, are tuple variables mainly used to save typing-effort?

sql tuples

is there some kind of expression evaluation within list/tuple slicing syntax within Python?

Intersect 2 lists, store result in a tuple in python

python list tuples