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Python: if first element is equal tuple together other elements




Apologies if this has been asked before, but I couldn't find it. If I have something like:

lst = [(('a', 'b'), 1, 2), (('a', 'b'), 3, 4), (('b', 'c'), 5, 6)]

and I want to obtain a shorter list:

new = [(('a', 'b'), (1, 3), (2, 4)), (('b', 'c'), 5, 6)]

so that it groups together the other elements in a tuple by first matching element, what is the fastest way to go about it?

like image 288
ru111 Avatar asked Mar 06 '23 23:03


2 Answers

You are grouping, based on a key. If your input groups are always consecutive, you can use itertools.groupby(), otherwise use a dictionary to group the elements. If order matters, use a dictionary that preserves insertion order (> Python 3.6 dict or collections.OrderedDict).

Using groupby():

from itertools import groupby
from operator import itemgetter

new = [(k, *zip(*(t[1:] for t in g))) for k, g in groupby(lst, key=itemgetter(0))]

The above uses Python 3 syntax to interpolate tuple elements from an iterable (..., *iterable)`.

Using a dictionary:

groups = {}
for key, *values in lst:
    groups.setdefault(key, []).append(values)
new = [(k, *zip(*v)) for k, v in groups.items()]

In Python 3.6 or newer, that'll preserve the input order of the groups.


>>> from itertools import groupby
>>> from operator import itemgetter
>>> lst = [(('a', 'b'), 1, 2), (('a', 'b'), 3, 4), (('b', 'c'), 5, 6)]
>>> [(k, *zip(*(t[1:] for t in g))) for k, g in groupby(lst, key=itemgetter(0))]
[(('a', 'b'), (1, 3), (2, 4)), (('b', 'c'), (5,), (6,))]
>>> groups = {}
>>> for key, *values in lst:
...     groups.setdefault(key, []).append(values)
>>> [(k, *zip(*v)) for k, v in groups.items()]
[(('a', 'b'), (1, 3), (2, 4)), (('b', 'c'), (5,), (6,))]

If you are using Python 2, you'd have to use:

new = [(k,) + tuple(zip(*(t[1:] for t in g))) for k, g in groupby(lst, key=itemgetter(0))]


from collections import OrderedDict
groups = OrderedDict()
for entry in lst:
    groups.setdefault(entry[0], []).append(entry[1:])
new = [(k,) + tuple(zip(*v)) for k, v in groups.items()]
like image 190
Martijn Pieters Avatar answered Mar 12 '23 10:03

Martijn Pieters

You could also use a collections.defaultdict to group your tuple keys:

from collections import defaultdict

lst = [(('a', 'b'), 1, 2), (('a', 'b'), 3, 4), (('b', 'c'), 5, 6)]

d = defaultdict(tuple)
for tup, fst, snd in lst:
    d[tup] += fst, snd
# defaultdict(<class 'tuple'>, {('a', 'b'): (1, 2, 3, 4), ('b', 'c'): (5, 6)})

for key, value in d.items():
    d[key] = value[0::2], value[1::2]
# defaultdict(<class 'tuple'>, {('a', 'b'): ((1, 3), (2, 4)), ('b', 'c'): ((5,), (6,))})

result = [(k, v1, v2) for k, (v1, v2) in d.items()]

Which Outputs:

[(('a', 'b'), (1, 3), (2, 4)), (('b', 'c'), (5,), (6,))]

The logic of the above code:

  • Group the tuples into a defaultdict of tuples.
  • Split the values into firsts and seconds with slicing [0::2] and [1::2].
  • Wrap this updated dictionary into the correct tuple structure with a list comprehension.
like image 29
RoadRunner Avatar answered Mar 12 '23 12:03
