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New posts in string-interpolation

Why is this intended interpolation interpreted as division by Perl?

perl string-interpolation

How to do string interpolation in javascript? [duplicate]

How can I have fixed-width format of an interpolated string in markdown Julia?

Soft coding format specifier for Interpolated strings c# 6.0

Accessing object's method within string

Avoidable boxing in string interpolation

better alternative to message format

Using Elvis Operator within String Interpolated Expressions in Angular 2

Resharper - modify string interpolation back to string.Format

Printable string interpolation not working

Angular 2 model function interpolation - self.context.$implicit.X is not a function

Sublime Text 2: How do I turn off auto-insert of {} during Ruby string interpolation?

Which solution has better performance: StringBuilder or String Interpolation-Concatenation

Ruby apply string interpolation to a single-quote string

How does C# string interpolation without an expression compile?

Using String Interpolation macro in Clojure (<<)

Formatting dashes in string interpolation