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Can sigil-less variables or constants be interpolated?

Although I have found no documentation for it, apparently you can interpolate sigilless variables and constants surrounding them by {}:

constant ⲧ = " " xx 4;
say "{ⲧ}Tabbed"; # OUTPUT: «       Tabbed␤»

Apparently, you need to use the :c adverb to do so.

say q:c"π is {π}"; # OUTPUT: «π is 3.141592653589793␤»

But that is only within if q (and derived) quotes are used. Is this simply an undocumented feature, or is something I'm missing here?

like image 324
jjmerelo Avatar asked Dec 07 '22 12:12


1 Answers

These are all exactly identical

          "a $b {$c}"
qq        "a $b {$c}"
Q :qq     "a $b {$c}"
Q :double "a $b {$c}"

Q :b :s :a :h :c :f "a $b {$c}"
Q :backslash :scalar :array :hash :closure :function "a $b {$c}"

In order for the string literal parser to see {} as creating a closure it needs the closure feature to be enabled.

One of the things that the :qq / :double enables is :c / :closure.

You can also disable it with :!closure.

say qq :!closure "{ 1 + 2 }";
# { 1 + 2 }

That is it starts with :qq / :double semantics and turns off :closure semantics.

Here is where the qq feature is defined in Rakudo

role qq does b1 does c1 does s1 does a1 does h1 does f1 {
    token starter { \" }
    token stopper { \" }
    method tweak_q($v) { self.panic("Too late for :q") }
    method tweak_qq($v) { self.panic("Too late for :qq") }

b1 enables backslash
c1 enables closure
s1 enables scalar
a1 enables array
h1 enables hash
f1 enables function

It is documented, and you provided a link to the documentation.
Perhaps it could be made more clear that:

  • "" is short for qq ""
  • qq "" is short for Q :qq "" / Q :double ""
  • :qq / :double is short for all of :backslash :closure :scalar :array :hash :function.

Also it may be worth adding examples for all of those features.

like image 56
Brad Gilbert Avatar answered Dec 30 '22 11:12

Brad Gilbert