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New posts in raku

Why am I only getting a single element from this "for" statement?


How can I call .WHY on a subroutine in a class in Perl 6?

metaprogramming raku

Is there a perl6 counterpart of powershells get-member to "analyze" a variable(-object)?


perl6 precision base4 conversion


perl6 Colored match, some regex interpolation works and some don't; color code inconsistent

How to calculate a module's dist hash

raku zef

Backreferences in regexes match, but do not capture

regex raku

say without newline in Raku


How to destructure for loop parameters into array of fixed size?

Why doe `later` method lead to infinite range in `Date` range?

date sequence raku

Binding operator used in multi-variable initialization is working only when variables are also declared in the same line

binding raku declare

Comma Community release 2020.07.0 sun/javafx/PlatformUtil problem

"zef test ." returning a different result than running some tests with raku -Ilib

unit-testing raku zef

What are nqp, nqp-m, rakudo-debug, rakudo-debug-m, rakudo-gdb-m, rakudo-m, rakudo-valgrind-m?

raku nqp moarvm

Do will traits only apply to objects?

traits raku

Is a Raku interactive shell available like Bash or Zoiberg shell

Do Perl 6 POSIX character classes respect the LOCALE?

regex posix locale raku

Is there a Perl6 canonical form?

How to add a default method for an action class of a grammar?

grammar raku

How to return a value from a block's CATCH phaser?

raku rakudo