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The best way to make a regex matching exactly zero characters in Perl 6?


Regex assertions working only in lookahead and lookbehind fashion

Using captured types to type a class's attributes

Perl6: Convert Match object to JSON-serializable Hash

Perl 6 function argument syntax in the interpreter (REPL)

function arguments raku

Can you loop a Perl 6 block that's in a variable?

raku control-structure

Perl 6 regex variable and capturing groups


Why is my command line argument being interpreted as a Boolean (Perl 6)?

command-line raku

perl6 how to get specific identity of promises?

promise identity raku

perl6 How to get all lines that are not indented by x-width of spaces?

tabs width match space raku

Batch text processing with Perl 6

regex latex raku rakudo

Parsing binary structure with Perl6 Grammar


can't use colon pair in `qqww` or `qqww:to` struct


Sigilless class attribute

object syntax raku

Rakudo test suite progression?

raku rakudo

Explicitly named return values?

return-value raku

Avoid creating temporary scalars when returning multiple arrays


How does Perl6 decide which version of a module gets loaded?

Is there a way to safely redeclare a symbol?


Destructuring assignment in object creation