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New posts in versioning

Why are they some new releases of Python 3 on older Python 3 versions?

How to raise an exception on the version number of a module

python versioning

Keeping a public and private version of my app using Git

App Store Version Numbers - Changing Scheme / Best Practices

How can I extend a boost spirit grammar

How to list dependecies cabal calculates

AndroidManifest.xml file <manifest> versionCode attribute

xml android versioning

deploying multiple versions of the same views in Oracle [closed]

Maven and snapshots?

Tomcat 7 - Retrieve the version of a webapp (versioned WAR)

version versioning war tomcat7

Increment the build number automatically

What does "pl" or "p" mean in a version number?

versioning abbreviation

Deploy VS2013 SSIS packages to SQL Server 2012 & edit in VS2012

install latest psutil version in centos 6.7

Include a text file content into a WiX script

build wix versioning

Basic version control for MySQL table

How do PHP releases match "API=yyyymmdd" signature/tag?

php api versioning

How should I set the version number between releases? [closed]

python git github versioning

How to get total number of count for git tags

How does Perl6 decide which version of a module gets loaded?