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New posts in regex-lookarounds

Replace only the first occurrence of a word with regex in text-editor

Positive Lookbehind greedy

Negative lookahead not working after character range with plus quantifier

Regex assertions working only in lookahead and lookbehind fashion

Regex match everything between two {}

Add Trailing Slash to URLs

regex matching char only if a specific char appeared before (conditional regex)

Regex negative look ahead to match markdown links

Php lookahead assertion at the end of the regex

php regex regex-lookarounds

How to capture the entire string while using 'lookaround' with chars in regex?

Match unescaped quotes in quoted csv

regular expression matching a string that is followed with another string without capturing the latter

Java regex with a positive look behind of a negative look ahead

Extract and count common word-pairs from character vector

r regex-lookarounds tm qdap

Valid RegEx according to online test tools, not getting any matches when reading file in browser

Matching at least one lower case letter AND at least one upper case letter

Regex for string containing one string, but not another [duplicate]

Lookaround regular expression pattern in R

RegEx - Exclude Matched Patterns

Python Regex Engine - "look-behind requires fixed-width pattern" Error