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git: editing a file cause ^M to appear when using git diff

linux git vim gedit

Replace only the first occurrence of a word with regex in text-editor

How do I browse the source code for a gem in Rails3 with RVM (linux & gedit)

go to definition gedit plugin

ctags gedit

Why does pasting a line break the code if writing out the same line by hand works fine?

php copy-paste gedit

gedit in LXDE: black bar


What tools are available to auto-format Ruby/Rails Code

Regex replace pattern - advanced find plugin for Gedit

regex gedit

gedit unresponsive how to save my file?

linux redhat gedit

Can gedit open links in a Web browser by clicking on it?


Where to get gedit themes [closed]

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Which spell checker does gedit use?

linux spell-checking gedit

Text editing - insert comments (#) in Ubuntu with gedit or other text editor

text edit gedit

I'm trying to run gedit in cygwin, but receiving error

cygwin gedit

How to make GEdit a good jQuery/Web Design editor?

jquery plugins gedit

Change default text editor in fedora 20 kde

fedora kde-plasma gedit

How do I follow python PEP8 regarding line breaks, and how important is it?

WSL - GEDIT Unable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused [closed]