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Why do future_statements in Python need to be placed before everything?

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PEP8 E128: can't figure out why a line is being flagged

function annotations in python

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What does it means to not exceeding 80 characters in a line in Python?

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What is the most pythonic way to open a file?

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how to abbreviate dimension following the PEP8 rules?

PEP8 error in import line: E501 line too long

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Generic way to avoid pylints broad-except?

PEP 8: Function and method arguments naming convention

How can I set the pep8 linter to accept 2 space indents?

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Disable on-the-fly PEP8 checks, only check when saving file

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pep8 warn about 8-space indent

Pytest-pep8 problem while following Head First Python 2nd edition

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Multi line command to os.system

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How can I make PyCharm's Fill Paragraph command override the default margin?

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Why are some python variables uppercase whereas others are lowercase?

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How can I use Emacs Flymake mode for python with pyflakes and pylint checking code?

Python: PEP 8 class name as variable

python pep8