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New posts in kde-plasma

Mouse doesn't work during debugging JavaFX projects in idea is running on KDE 5

(mysql)Database migration difficulty when migrating from digikam 4.* to 5.*

Decent KDE XML viewer? [closed]

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Change Konsole title via Python

Arch Linux KDE not saving monitor settings [closed]

Can I reach the shell, web or menu commands from the Kate editor's JavaScript?

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Set eclipse hyperlink color under KDE

How do I force/get to use GTKLookAndFeel in Java on KDE?

KDEConnect: Duplicate Text Notifications

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install EventFilter on QWidget (qt4.4.3/kde4)

Qt place new window correctly on screen, center over mouse, move into screen

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Installing MySQL 5.6 in Ubuntu 14.04 triggers removal of needed packages

How to use KDE's Smoke?

binding kde-plasma smoke

I can't add input in internal terminal in KDevelop

Cannot cmake kde-connect

KDE and Multi-Monitor, how to have program started on the screen it was opened from

Activating KDE 4 notifications from bash scripts

bash scripting kde-plasma kde4

How do you get the icon, MIME type, and application associated with a file in the Linux Desktop?

c++ linux mime gnome kde kde-plasma