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Where to find good looking and Vista look-alike user interface icons? [closed]

JTattoo appears in JMenu dropdown

java swing look-and-feel jmenu

With Nimbus, make control background color yellow only when control has focus?

Java Swing - Nimbus L&F overrides custom icon in JTable header after sort is applied

Nimbus Look And Feel adjust colors of menubar

How can I use the default dialog icons in my custom Blackberry popup dialog?

How to create rounded JButton in java..?

Background color of button when using Windows LAF?

How can I setup LookAndFeel Files in Java?

java swing qt gtk look-and-feel

How to list all available LookAndFeel themes?

java swing look-and-feel

Mac L&F problems: Differing behavior of JTextField.requestFocus()

Java, Netbeans: How come the GUI looks different?

setOpaque() in java

How to make a swing application have dark nimbus theme netbeans

How to set all Java Swing GUI component backgrounds and foreground(fonts) colors at once?

PhoneGap 3.x Android - Native Popup/Dialog Theme

Change background and text color of JMenuBar and JMenu objects inside it

Use default KeyMap of native OS