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New posts in blackberry

Are socket connections faster than http on Blackberry?

Blackberry Listfield with variable height for each row?

How to create a Blackberry notification message that opens the app like twitter does?

BlackBerry dynamically updating ListField


How to check lock status and unlock if necessary for Database on Blackberry?

blackberry sqlite

Cross-Platform in-app purchase using paypal in webview

Generate AES key with seed value

How can I use the default dialog icons in my custom Blackberry popup dialog?

Blackberry - How to get OS version information and number of applications

blackberry system

Blackberry - Disable Save option in BasicEditField?

user-interface blackberry

how to close a popup screen in blackberry bold

blackberry java-me bold

Most cost effective way to target multiple mobile platforms [closed]

Problems in Installation of Blackberry JDE Plugin for Eclipse

eclipse blackberry java-me

Convert EncodedImage to Bitmap in Blackberry

AJAX XML not working on BlackBerry with Web-Works or Phonegap

Blackberry 5.0 - BrowserField handle link clicked

BlackBerry Refresh location via GPS or Cell Tower

How can I use SqLite with BlackBerry OS 4.5?

sqlite blackberry java-me

Blackberry - set position of field on the screen?

GridFieldManager will not span the entire screen width