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How do I get request body in phoenix?

How can I build an Elixir escript that does not halt the Erlang VM after execution (like elixir --no-halt)

Elixir exrm release crashes on eredis start_link

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Erlang and Elixir's colorful REPL shells

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Transform quoted elixir code to a code string

Inverse polymorphic with ecto

TCP Listener on Elixir using Erlang's gen_tcp module

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Passing a string representing date to postgres query in Ecto

elixir ecto

In Elixir, Phoenix, how to get session in other module as a module use Phoenix.Channel?

elixir phoenix-framework

how to convert a string to a function in Elixir


How to only ensure authenticated on some functions in elixir module

elixir phoenix-framework

Map with indifferent key access


Where do I store the PID for longrunning child processes?


Why variables setted inside Enum.each is not saved?

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Elixir: What happen to a process after done executing the function

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Minimum requirements for Ecto NoSQL adapter

Does Elixir have a variable which holds the name of the current file (ala Ruby’s __FILE__)?


Elixir/Phoenix redirect to the current page

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Elixir - Argument error


Broadcast to different channel Phoenix 1.1.6