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New posts in access-specifier

What is the difference between no access specifier and public in java 9 module?

Why is Java's "protected" less protected than default? [closed]

Protected data members and data functions

c++ oop access-specifier

Understanding Access specifiers on Classes in C#

c# class access-specifier

Should you make use of private, protected, and public modifiers in Ruby?

ruby access-specifier

Confusion regarding access specifiers in Java and C#

Why can I access private/protected methods using Object#send in Ruby?

Ruby Matrix set_element private?

Swift:Class cannot be declared public because its Super class is internal

How is the "public/protected/private" method implemented, and how can I emulate it?

ruby access-specifier

When should you restrict accessibility to a virtual function in a derived class?

Scope of private, protected, and public

ruby access-specifier

How to access private function of a class in another class in c#?

class member access specifiers and binary code

c++ access-specifier

x in y is defined in an inaccessible class or interface, ID in structure

Make instance methods private in runtime

ruby access-specifier

Are Ruby imported methods always private?

C++ advice from Code Complete on encapsulation?

Inconsistent accessibility: base class is less accessible than class

c# dll access-specifier

Constructor accessibility C# compiler error CS0122 vs CS1729