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New posts in require

What does the code "local a = (...);" in a required script mean?

module lua require

Codemod for Babel `import` into commonjs `require`

NodeJS require('./path/to/image/image.jpg') as base64

node.js require

node.js: require json file returns MODULE NOT FOUND

Perl: how to make variables from requiring script available in required script

Handling Node.js Async Returns with "require" (Node ORM)

node.js orm require

JavaScript requiring libraries

javascript require

Javascript error : Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined

javascript html require

Was directory/.pm ever a convention, and why does it exist?

perl import module require

PHP file_get_contents after php has evaluated

php import fopen require

How to list require_once()'s searched paths in PHP?

php include require

In Node.js, how can I load my modules once and then use them throughout the app?

javascript node.js require

Using OpenLayers with RequireJS and AngularJS

Why does Perl not want to require certain files when running under -T?

perl require taint

Singleton model in Backbone multipage app with RequireJS

PHP redirect without header() or meta

php redirect header require

Pretty version of Ruby's require statement?

ruby-on-rails ruby require

Replace Require statement with Import statement causing error

typescript import require

(...)in `require': no such file to load -- 'gemname' (LoadError)

ruby require