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New posts in html-lists

is it good semantic to give a dt more than one dd in the dl?

how to correctly make a onmouseout event for a UL?

I can't remove the margin with <li> [duplicate]

html css html-lists margin

UL/LI which flows down, then to the right when it runs out of room

css html-lists

List style type decimal after the actual content of the li

css html-lists

Converting PHP array in HTML list

Vertical-floating elements in CSS?

html css html-lists floating

How to align ul tag content in center

css html-lists centering

Space between li

css html-lists

Ordered list in HTML that is numbered using odd numbers

Reduce Bootstrap list width

How to underline only top-items in a nested list?

Ordered Lists <OL>, Starting index with XHTML Strict?

crawling a html page using php?

CSS UL LI Vertical Menu

html css menu html-lists

how to stop this irritating css behaviour

Populate ul in html with JSON data

Remove decimal from ordered <ol> list via CSS?

css html-lists

HTML List First-Line indent only

html css html-lists

present lists and sublists in html

html html-lists