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New posts in xhtml-1.0-strict

link rel="script" usage

doctype xhtml-1.0-strict

Ordered Lists <OL>, Starting index with XHTML Strict?

What are the differences between xhtml 1.0 strict and xhtml 1.1?

Use of <br /> and accessibility

What is the Maxmium no of input tag in an html form?

Is it considered more professional to write a website in strict rather than transitionl html?

Horizontal <ul> menu: how to fix the width of list items

Is It Ever Justified To Open A New Window/Tab From A Hyperlink?

Is there a Java web framework that can reliably produce XHTML 1.0 Strict?

java xhtml xhtml-1.0-strict

How can I produce an nested list in XHTML strict without giving the nested lists first element a double bullet?

css xhtml xhtml-1.0-strict

Embed YouTube videos while staying XHTML 1.0 Strict?

Custom data in XHTML 1.0 Strict

How do I validate noscript+meta refresh tag in xHTML?

Microdata itemprop causes W3C validator error

html doctype adds whitespace?

XHTML 1.0 Strict (or Transitional) compliance in ASP.NET 2.0/3.5

asp.net xhtml-1.0-strict

HTML5 Doctype with strict

Nest lists in paragraphs in html

How can I view Arabic/Persian numbers in a HTML page with strict doctype?